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projekte:doc_patch:start [02.11.2016 18:55] Externe Bearbeitung
projekte:doc_patch:start [28.10.2018 03:27]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-{{ProjektInfoBox +====== Docpatch ======
-|name        DocPatch +
-|status      stable +
-|image       Chaospott_logo.svg +
-|description  +
-|author       +
-|username     +
-|maintainer  hauro,gammlaa, schnitzel +
-|owner       Ben +
-|location     +
-|version      +
-|update       +
-|platform     +
-|hostname    = +
-|license     =  +
-|download    = +
-|bausatz     = +
-|preis       = +
-}} +
 ======= Who are we? What do we stand for? ======= ======= Who are we? What do we stand for? =======
Zeile 47: Zeile 28:
 Our first target is the German constitution, called "Grundgesetz". First published in March 23th 1949 it was changed ca. 60 times. It's interesting to see why it was changed, when, by whom and under what circumstances. The good is: All information is public. The bad: The information doesn't match the Open Definition and many details are hard to find. Our first target is the German constitution, called "Grundgesetz". First published in March 23th 1949 it was changed ca. 60 times. It's interesting to see why it was changed, when, by whom and under what circumstances. The good is: All information is public. The bad: The information doesn't match the Open Definition and many details are hard to find.
-In short: [[doc_patch:grundgesetz|We are putting the complete "Grundgesetz" under version control and publish it.]]+In short: [[projekte:doc_patch:grundgesetz|We are putting the complete "Grundgesetz" under version control and publish it.]]
Zeile 55: Zeile 36:
 Everthing is under heavy development. Still in progress. Under construction. We need **your** help to make //DocPatch// a success! Everthing is under heavy development. Still in progress. Under construction. We need **your** help to make //DocPatch// a success!
-We are looking for people who create some fancy tools, design a cool website, define more milestones, or simply versionize with us. Take a look at [[doc_patch:grundgesetz]] ;-)+We are looking for people who create some fancy tools, design a cool website, define more milestones, or simply versionize with us. Take a look at [[projekte:doc_patch:grundgesetz]] ;-)
projekte/doc_patch/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 13.05.2019 20:46 (Externe Bearbeitung)