====== NRF-Nunchuk ====== A custom wii nunchuk remote control with telemetry info display ======= Idea ======= Its nice to drive around a Matecrate or Couchelement, but the need to stop everytime you want your battery level is kind of a let down... So starting out with a wired Wii Nunchuk was ok and the upgrade to an wireless nunchuk clone was nice (people like to pull on cables...). But a wireless controller with a small display that shows (live) telemetry data and maybe even allows to make some small changes to the vehicle parameter, that would be a really nice upgrade. ======= Hardware List ======= * Wii Nunchuk Clone * Arduino Nano * nrf24l01 Module * Playstation Thumbstick * SSD1306 OLED LCD Display 128X64 * TP4056 LiPo Standalone Charger * small LiPo ======= First development breadboard build ======= {{file:nrfnunchuk_hardware_breadboard_001.jpg?600x0}} The image above shows the first develment build for testing the remote hardware ======= Thumbstick - exchange the default thumbstick ======= Ok so lets start with the first hardware "mod", the exchange of the default thumbstick for a playstation like joystick with pushbutton. {{file:nrfnunchuk_hardware_thumbstick_closeup_001.jpg?500x0}}{{file:nrfnunchuk_hardware_thumbstick_explode_001.jpg?300x0}} Rough placement test for the thumbstick ======= Photos ======= ======= Links ======= ==== nrf24l01 Module ==== * [[http://schullebernd.de/arduino_und_nrf24l01_verbinden/|schullebernd.de - arduino und nrf24l01 verbinden]] * [[https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo|arduino-info.wikispaces.com - nrf24l01 2.4GHz HowTo]] ==== 0.96" OLED Display ==== * [[https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki|olikraus github - u8g2 arduino library]] ==== TP4056 1A Standalone Linear Li-lon Battery Charge ==== * [[http://lygte-info.dk/review/Review%20Charger%20TP4056%20UK.html|http://lygte-info.dk - Review Charger TP4056 UK]] * [[https://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Prototyping/TP4056.pdf|TP4056 - Datasheet]]